Enjoy free credit card processing with surcharging. Accept credit cards at 0% cost to you Eliminate credit card costs when by passing fees along to your customers. 100% compliant and legal in Canada
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AXIUM EX8000 Rents @ $28.88 Based on a rental. There is no exit fee No contract
Fraud; Deceit; Trickery, An Imposter, a Cheat. To put it lightly, not a nice person.
If you’ve ever been a victim of fraud, you’re not alone. I had my bank account emptied right before Christmas one year when my daughter was little- I eventually got it back, but if it wasn’t for my mom still being around to lend me the money while I waited, I would have had to explain to my 5-year-old daughter that Santa wasn’t coming until mid-February. I’m sure that would have gone over well!
According to the RCMP website, with the increase in online activity due to the pandemic, “Last year was a historic year for financial losses reported to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC). Based on reports to the CAFC, $379 million were lost to scams and fraud in 2021, which was an increase of 130% compared to 2020.”
Nochargebacks.ca provides an online gateway or payment gateway, giving you and your customers peace of mind. With a nochargebacks.ca payment gateway, your clientele can spend money on their credit cards all around the world, and you receive payment within hours instead of having to wait 6 to 8 weeks to see reimbursement in your account.
With nochargebacks.ca, there is no more worrying about fraudulent purchases or having to refund your customers.
100 Free Custom Gift Cards of your store With Your Poynt POS
When your POS arrives, it comes with 100 custom gift cards for your location. A picture of your store or your logo – you pick whatever you want. There is no cost to set up your free cards. There is no costs for the app that you can easily install on your POS (a smart phone). Poynt is a wireless, dual touchscreen, smart terminal that allows businesses to accept payments anywhere.
100 Free Custom Gift Cards of your store
With The Clover POS
When your POS arrives it comes with 100 custom gift cards for your location. A picture of your store or your logo – you pick whatever you want. There is no cost to set up your free cards. There is no costs for the app that you can easily install on your POS (a smart phone )
Unlimited Transactions (gift cards)
Low Monthly Program Fee $17.00 per month
Factor4 is fully integrated
We will beat your current processing rates and provide 100 pvc custom (plastic) gift cards at no extra costs. Price For Cards After You Get The Free Ones
Robust functionality. Ultimate flexibility. Total simplicity.
The flexible solution designed to meet your full range of payment and point-of-sale needs
Help your business run more smoothly. Clover Flex is the all-in-one device with the built-in capabilities to help you serve customers better—whether at the counter, in line, at the table or in the salon chair. Easy to hold and easy to hand over to customers to dip, swipe, tap, sign or enter a PIN, Clover Flex delivers the ultimate in flexibility and simplicity in a single device freeing your mind for the things that matter.
Features that make Clover Flex stand out from the competition: Built-in receipt printer and barcode scanner Fast and flexible wireless connectivity with an optional 3G data plan Electronic signature, which makes it easier to keep track of receipts and helps prevent future chargebacks Compatible with the entire line of Clover devices Powered with a full suite of business management tools through the Clover Software plans and App market
Clover Flex. The smart, flexible POS device that’s as dynamic as your business.
Printer, barcode scanner/camera NFC reader
Flexibility that’s ready for anything.
Magnetic-stripe reader
EMV®-enabled cards (chip + PIN; chip + signature)
Clover Flex enables full integration with the complete line of Clover devices. That means you can take an order in line and close it at the counter, complete a checkout at the table or in the aisle—you’re free to work as you want. And with a battery that can go a full day of business without a charge*, there’s never a reason to slow down.
Clover Flex makes it easy to get up and running—right out of the box.
Specifications Payments accepted: Magstripe, EMV smartcard, EMV contactless (including Apple Pay®) Security certification: PCI PTS 5.0 5-inch HD screen (1280 x 720 pixels) Responsive capacitive touch screen for e-signature and PIN entry 2 1/4-inch printer accepting rolls of receipt paper up to 50 feet long 1D/2D barcode scanning with a dedicated button
Camera Connectivity: Wi-Fi, optional 3G plan
Accept more types of payments from magnetic stripe and EMV® -enabled credit and debit smartcards to EMV contactless (including Apple Pay)—all without additional equipment
Help protect your customers, business and reputation from fraud with built-in Clover Security
Monitor sales and profit trends with Clover Insights and the Clover Dashboard mobile companion app (iOS and Android)
Control employee permissions and manage employee shifts without hassle
Build effective loyalty programs, collect customer feedback and send customer promos in minutes
Lithium-ion 7.6V/2100mAh with fast battery charging on Clover Flex cradle (included) Lightweight (1 lb)
Accessories Starter Kit (included) Charging cradle, power cords, and thermal receipt paper ADA PIN pad with shield
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Amex Rate 1.9% and pays next day 1.19% Visa Merchant Canada
After years of AMEX Rates in Canada of 3.5% for processing their credit card by a merchant, Now in 2018 Amex is 1.9% and pays out in 24 hours, not 7 days. No longer administered by AMEX. Also VISA at 1.19% Visa merchant credit card processing rate Canada
QUAL RATE: 1.19% Visa / Mastercard
QUAL RATE: 1.9% Visa / AMEX NON-QUAL: 0.04% DEBIT: $0.04 MONTHLY FEE: $5.00
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This ISO that is marketing their merchant account Canada wants to add new customers. Once their quota is met this offer ends. As Long as this page is up they are still looking. Free assessment of your provide merchant statements.
QUAL RATE: 1.19% VISA MasterCard
NON-QUAL: 0.04%
DEBIT: $0.04
All our POS Terminals are manufactured by brand names like Verifone , Hypercom and Ingenico, industry leaders in providing reliable and efficient equipment for debit and credit card payment processing, and are made to last. Our Credit and Debit Card Terminals are small and affordable, with fast processing speeds and built-in thermal printers, allowing quick and easy customer transactions. Perfect for all types of Retail, Restaurant and Service industries. Choose from TableTop, Wireless Bluetooth, Wireless GPRS Mobile models
You need —-
Void cheque with a name printed on the top
Photo Id ( such as a driver license)
Proof that the business exists
After registering a business in canada, the next thing you want to do is Accept debit and Credit Card Processing with a debit machine. We can Finance New Wireless Debit Machine Canada at $39.99 per month. Or one payment of $875, or two payments of $500. You can pay with your visa master or Amex credit card.
We Accept Credit Cards For Services. We are a merchant
You can buy DeskTop debit machine for $675 on your credit card. Or two payments of $400 or lease $38.00
You can buy Wireless debit machine for $875 on your credit card. Or two payments of $500 or lease $48.00
Used Debit Machine BANK ACCOUNT CHANGED Used pos kijji Craigslist classified does not work A Customer asked “found a used pos for sale on kijji, would that work?” The answer is no. It has in it “the other” person’s banking info. That info is protected by the bank. A Customer asked “that cannot be re-programmed?” Only by the bank who installed it.
BUY A NEW POS DEBIT MACHINE WITH YOUR BANK ACCOUNT IN IT $0.05 For debit + Visa starts at 1.62%
We Accept Credit Cards For Services. We are a merchant
You can buy DeskTop debit machine for $675 on your credit card. Or two payments of $400 or lease $33.00
You can buy Wireless debit machine for $875 on your credit card. Or two payments of $500 or lease $44.00
We Accept Credit Cards For Services We are a merchant
Accept debit, Accept debit Canada,costs Debit Machine, Credit Card Processing Canada, credit card processing declined, credit card processing canada, Debit Card, Debit Card Swipe Rate Canada 0.05 Debit Machine, debit machine canada canada, Debit Machine Canada, debit machine canada, doing business in canada, home business canada,Interac, merchant account, merchant account Canada, merchant account Canada, monthly costs, Payment Processing, Payment Processing Canada, POS terminals, POS terminals Canada, Swipe Rate, Canada, Canada Credit Card Processing, Volume Requirements